Lessons from Africa: who is doing who? A case of coal neglect in Nigeria

While South Afica's SASOL boast of a world class edgecutting technology used for producing petrol (PMS) from coal at a competitive price per litre.
Do you know that Nigeria currently import coals of various grades and qualities.
But Nigeria has a large coal deposit with the potential for coal exports to countries such as China, Israel, Japan, Ghana, United States, Europe and India.

Currently Nigeria's coal can achieve the following clear coal technologies with increased efficiency and reduced CO emissions
1. Magneto hydrodynamic electricity generation
2. Super critical boiler
3. Integrated gasification combined cycle systems
4. Advanced integrated gasification, including fuel cell
5. Advanced pulverized and pressurized pulverized fuel combustion
6. Atmospheric fluidised bed combustion and pressurized pulverized fuel combustion.


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