Lessons from Africa. South Africa is self sufficient in all major agric. products

Photo: Vineyards sit beneath hills at a farm near Stellenbosch

While 12% of South Africa's land can be used for crop production, only 22% of this is high-potential arable land. The greatest limitation is the availability of water, with uneven and unreliable rainfall. Around 1.3-million hectares are under irrigation, and around 50% of South Africa's water is used for agriculture.

South Africa is not only self-sufficient in virtually all major agricultural products, but is also a net 

food exporter. It is also the leading exporter of protea cut flowers, which account for more than half 

of proteas sold on the world market.
Other important export groups are wine, citrus, maize, grapes, sugar, apples, pears and quinces. Important export products include agroprocessing products, such as under-matured ethyl alcohol and hides and skins.

Read more: http://www.southafrica.info/business/economy/sectors/agricultural-sector.htm#.Vzq-



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