Decision analysis of petrol (PMS) subsidy in Nigeria
"Decision suggetions" and implication in 2016
The problem in Petrol can be modeled as-
Agents use common limited resource to profit individually. As the use of the resource is not controlled, the agents would like to continuously raise their benefits. The resource is therefore used more and more and the revenues of the agents are decreasing. The agents are intensifying their exploitation until the resource is completely used up or seriously damaged.
#The previous government's approach to oil problems however can be modeled as-
The problem approached by some fix (a specific solution- "subsidy") with immediate positive effect. Nonetheless, the “side effects” of this solution turn out in the future to corruption and depletion of reserve.
However, as Nigerians who have seen alot and are going through pains and hardships
#What WE Like can be modeled as-
The problem is handled by a simple solution with immediate effect, thereby "healing the symptoms" not the cause. The primary source of the problem is overlooked, because its remedy is demanding and has no immediate outcome. (-we don't care who is stealing money, at least let's enjoy 1 thing as citizens)
In these protests, our demand can be modeled as:
A kind of shifting the burden but as current problems need to be handled immediately, the long-term goals continuously decline. (Mortgaging the future) . So although we want Nigerian to be great, we want a bright future the gap between our today and desired tomorrow is so wise that we want to give up and manage the "norm"
RESULTS IN 2026 (Where we would be as a result of the decisions above)
SCENARIO 1.. Petrol price = #85 (65 Naira subsidy).
Time horizon: 2016-2026 (Inflation factors excluded)
Decision: Two people or activities need the same limited resources. As one of them becomes more successful, more resources are assigned to him/it. The second one becomes less and less successful due to lacking resources, and “prove the right decision” to support the first one.
In short more subsidy is given so masses can buy Petrol cheap.
Therefore, in 2026, the cabals all enter into forbes billionaire list while the masses...
So we all should embrace the removal of subsidy since we know the money will not fly abroad. ..
The hardship has an expiration time..
Senge, Peter M. (1990), The Fifth Discipline, Doubleday/Currency, ISBN 0-385-26094-6
Spicar, Radim . "System Dynamics Archetypes in Capacity Planning". Procedia Engineering 69 (C): 1350–1355.
Bib .
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