Discipline dictionary by Craig, O.O

Discipline dictionary by Craig, O.O

by Aare Omotoyosi O Craig on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 4:13pm
Discipline is a system or rule of behavior,imposed on oneself,or by a group of pple on itself,that makes the achievement of responsibility,order,tenacity,ability to prioritize,resource management,contract fulfillment,money management, obedience to law, etc. For an individual, discipline involves the sacrifice of some pleasurable habit for one that, once learned, wil make the achievement of planned goals possible. within a community, it involves the abandonment of individual desires for common good of all.

    • Aare Omotoyosi O Craig
      More than knowledge and technological knowhow, discipline spells the difference between any two individuals wit comparable natural resources and more than any other factor, discipline is the single most important human resource for growth a...nd productivity.
      Discipline involves the acquisition of a culture that makes the acceptance of the responsibility for one's livelihood a paramount objective. This is the first step on road to creativity.


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