trust and trusting: Intro

trust and trusting: Intro

by Aare Omotoyosi O Craig on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 11:30am
Awolowo said,'it's ther4 wt a brave hrt,wt confident hope&faith in my unalterable destiny,dt i go frm twilight in2 d darknes unshaken in my trust in d providence of God dt a glorious dawn wl come on d morrow'
Woe 2 man whose hrt has nt learned while young 2 hope,2 luv &2 put its trust in God& life.
trust in urself u're doomed 2 disappointment, trust in money,u may av it taken frm u,bt trust in God u'r neva 2b confounded in time n eternity.
al dat u've seen should teach u 2 trust creator 4 al u avnt seen


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