Unbeatable series II
You will never walk alone

Omotoyosi Craig

You will never walk alone
When you walk through the storm
Lift your head up high
And keep whirling
You will never walk alone
When you walk through the dark
Make your mind your eyes
Even when you dash your feet against the stone
Remember, you are not alone
When you sail through the storm
Go with courage in your mind
Making the Lord your compass
For then you are not alone
When the ocean rise and thunder rumbles
Soar high with your inner strength
Above the storm shall we rise for
With you is the god of thunder
Be still
And you will never walk alone.

Even when your hope is dashed
When all you have to yourself is you
You are not alone
Even when stopped by a mountain
Pushing it yet not moving
Breaking it, it is not
Walk on  with faith knowing that
You can never walk alone

At the end of the lark there is a golden sky
Only if you know that you can never walk alone
At the point when you keep falling, keep trying
Don’t let your spirit die
Evil, though around , do not be moved for you are called to 
The City of innumerable angels as well as the galaxy of faithful immortals.
The only thing not worse than going back
Is not going back

Cloud by the day
A pillar of fire by the night
He is in front, he is at the back
He lives in you
He makes your soul prosperous
For he lives forever
Then we can never be alone
In the darkest of the night
When nobody calls or hear our cry
We know, I know, they know that
You will never walk alone


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