Unbeatable series III

I can’t shout
Omotoyosi Craig

I can’t shout

If I shout I might make a noise
If I do I might disturb
To disturb is to cause a polemic
That might lead to commotion
Which will surely result to a fight
If I fight I might hurt
If I hurt I might kill
If I do I had destroyed
And destruction leads to hatred
To hate is to marginalize
If this occurs we may be generational or life enemies

To shout is to become weak
If I  am weak I may be weary
To be weary is to become dizzy
To be dizzy is to be shambled
If am shambled I may be vacuous
To be vacuous is to become sick
To be sick is to be vanquished

Though I have  no shout immunity
 As some have that of arrest
I am prone to shout
So I might scream
To scream is to cry
If I cry I might weep
If I weep I might lament
And what’s my strength as a man

A shout might  block my sight
And that might hinder my vision
A noise makes no polka
A shout makes some think am weak and spineless
And surely I will be pooh-poohed

An anger stimulating shout makes me
Have  poniard in my potless belly
A noise can sometimes makes me loose my integrity
I can’t shout, so I repeat
I won’t shout though I won’t bribe
I won’t shout not because am shame faced
But  because I don’t want to be a sham

To shout is to loose my focus
Since we all whisper on the road at night
When we are afraid and all alone
A shout of a coward, that we know
Shouting brings no superiority
To claim authority is not to shout
Braggers are bouncers or body guards remember
Respect is earned and not demanded

I have not been shouting, thanks to my soft sweet voice
That whispers like the lilies’
I won’t shout for I know the worth of a man is not in the depth
Of his voice neither is  it in the width of his chest
But in the depth and wealth of his mind and  brain
 Can’t shout you see
So once again My People,
Don’t shout because as for me
I can’t Shout


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