Unbeatable series III


Omotoyosi Craig


What attracted me to this fairy?
Is it her strength of character?
Or is it her never say die spirit?
Or her tender loving care?
Maybe is her sight  and touch in my dream ?

I know your touch will always make
A sick soul recover quicker than usual
The touch; it was magical
It made my ever sick soul whole
It treated some kind of passion
I’ve never experience before in my life
That singular touch
planted the very seed that sprout into
this very strong feeling of fulfillment

I never thought a breathe could make one happy
But I have no choice than to agree it does
Only when the soul is wanting
The first time I met you
You made a very strong impression in my life
With your feeling of concern
Never knew that could be
But your magical touch made us be

I have always tried matchmaking
It had never worked out
Beauty they say is more than make ups
For I look only at the looks
I never knew it takes an inner beauty
And respect to make a woman

From my far view of your beauty
Your inner beauty and not  your look
What a thing of joy
An immeasurable gladness
The sense of freedom like that of a freed slave
The joy of acceptance like that of a bride
Only your touch  had made my rough road smooth
You then gave me courage and confidence
Just from a singular touch


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