FINISHED NYSC? ... This is for you:
It is said some lives are linked across times, connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages. Here we are today gladly standing together as one body, one nation, proudly saying in dignity we have labored and with high hope in our heart that our service to our fatherland not go in vain.
These days am sure we live with a mixed feeling of joy of victory and the fear of the uncertainties. Our ears already filled with the echoes and hearsay of the imaginable after the service year. The pride of our fatherland though tingled by the fear on insecurity and unemployment as we are unleashed at this season of an historic economic recession.
In all I beseech us to hold our honour as we behold a brighter horizon because serving our father land has made us true heirs of the land. No one has ever achieved genuine success that did not at one time or the other teeter on the edge of disaster. So let us put on confidence because for us to be successful, we must share in the nature of success.
As we build our future, let us bear in mind that greater things are yet to come and that we ourselves will help bring them about. Let the blazing sun of Africa illuminates our mind, let us never doubt the existence of our brighter horizons, for we have not the time, so we could behold the beauty of living our individual dreams. As we match up to take up the challenge of being independent humans; let us learn to live like firework and let us learn to let our light shine and our colour burst. No matter what comes up in life. Rejection, Disaster, Dejection, Isolation, Depreciation or even Death, Never feel like a wasted space, for we are original, the true son of the soil that can never be replaced. When at a time in life it seems all doors are shut or closed, believe in your heart all is happening for you to open just one door that leads to a perfect road. Let us therefore learn to be loyal, it is part of the first two lines our national pledge, it is a solemn promise to the country: “to be faithful, loyal and honest.”
Our pledge of loyalty to our nation means we can be depended upon or trusted to act in the interest of the nation. Loyalty means dependability, the quality of being reliable, trusted and believed. It means you are absolute in your allegiance to your country and thorough in the performance of your duties.
Let us always, gladly render service and seek to improve our society by putting our whole heart into whatever responsibility is committed to us, being a blessing to where we work and the nation at large.
As we go today, let us not make the Nigerian dream a sprint or a marathon, but like a relay in which our generation will pass to the next the fruits of our labour. Let our generation go farther than the last and with loyalty and opportunities we create, the future patriotism and prosperity is guaranteed. It all begins with making a choice (to choose to always do right and love our nation like ourselves).
We are who we are and who we are: are great Nigerians ready to chronicle our history.
It all begins with me, it all begins with you.
GO get your destinies fulfilled and live on the right side of history.
God bless you.
And May the Almighty God bless and secure NIGERIA.
‘Toyosi Craig
blog:; Twitter: @atayeto
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