HOW A 16 YEAR OLD HUMILIATED FRANCIS It was a capital disgrace when Francis walked into our den on Friday the 3 rd of July, 2011 on his knees in the name of begging an 100 level student who he thought he could exhibit his normal autocratic behavior towards as he normally does in class to his fellow 500 level students, little did he know he was entering into the snake’s pit. He approached the girl with a lecherous attitude and at the end of the day he was carrying a tree of honey bees on his head crying for help. He was highly mortified by this young, beautiful and adorable girl, no wonder our brother forgot he was in 500 level and has a departmental name to protect. In view of this, I think it’s high time he stopped portraying himself under the canopy of mechanical whenever he wants to put up one of his ludicrous, lewd and lackadaisical behaviors. We have ...